Leviathan Orange preparing to head for the start line at the Milton regatta (May 2024)
True North Leviathan Orange & Red at the 2024 Milton Dragon Boat Festival.
Milton Dragon Boat Festival 2024
A little wet, but smile all around at the Milton Dragon Boat Festival 2024
Ready to tackle the next race! (Milton 2024)
Even rain won’t dampen our spirits! (Milton 2024)
Milton Dragon Boat Festival 2024
Milton Dragon Boat Festival 2024
Milton Dragon Boat Festival 2024
We’re back for the new season, now bigger than ever! Our Leviathan Red athletes start their outdoor training in November.
Our Leviathan Gold-Black athletes starting their indoor weight training after previously braving the outdoors.
Our Gold-Black program spends considerable time during the winter months in the paddle pool to practice our technique prior to on-water practices in the spring.
Our Leviathan ladies at the Toronto’s Women Regatta!
Leviathan sisters… with custom shirts too!
Our amazing Leviathan Purple ladies at the Toronto’s Women Regatta.
Leviathan Purple looking good as they head to the start line at the Toronto Women’s Regatta at Heart Lake, Brampton.
True North Leviathan… class of 2023 (Leviathan Gold, Black, Red Rapids, and Red Rockets) taking up a lot of grass space at the Pickering Dragon Boat Challenge.
True North Leviathan Black wins the Tsuyuki Cup at the 2023 Pickering Dragon Boat Challenge.
Leviathan Black at the 2023 Toronto International Dragon Boat Race Festival (Toronto Islands).
Leviathan Black… paddling with intent, and a desire to win. Toronto Island regatta.
Leviathan Gold…paddling with intent, and a desire to win. Toronto Island regatta.
One of our Leviathan Red crews celebrating after a hard-fought race. Toronto Island regatta.
One of our Leviathan Red crews returning to the dock amidst cheering from their fans. Toronto Island regatta.
Leviathan Black taking practice strokes as they prepare for their finals at the Toronto Island regatta.
Coach Jasmine giving our Leviathan Gold athletes their race plan prior to embarking for their next race. Toronto Island regatta.
We work hard, we win hard…at the Toronto Island regatta.
True North Leviathan, class of 2023 at the Montreal Dragon Boat Challenge.
The True North Leviathan coaching team… world-class!
Questionable shenanigans from our Leviathan ladies at the Montreal Dragon Boat Challenge.
Guys’ turn! What happens in Montreal, stays in Montreal!
Lots of energy! Our Leviathan Red athletes begin their warm-up run in Montreal.
Taking in the sights in Montreal during downtime between races.
Yes, we need our own subway train to accommodate all of us!
The post-regatta after party in Montreal.
Leviathan Red is ready to go to take on the Montreal Dragon Boat Challenge!
Cheering our sister teams on the water in Montreal.
Approaching the turn during our 2,000m race in Montreal.
True North Leviathan returns to the dragon boat stage at the 2022 Milton Dragon Boat festival after a long two-year COVID-hiatus. Leviathan Black won a Bronze in the A Division, Leviathan Gold won a Gold in the B Division, and Leviathan Red won a Gold in the C Division. What a great start to the season!
After two long years of COVID-hiatus, Leviathan Red makes its debut at the 2022 Milton Dragon Boat Festival.
Their face says it all… that was a good race (Leviathan Red).
Leviathan Red wins the Division C gold medal at the Milton Dragon Boat Festival. A great accomplishment for many, who is their first regatta ever!
True North Leviathan Purple returns to the Toronto Women’s Regatta in Brampton, ON, hosted by the True North Senior Women.
After an amazing day of racing at the Toronto Women’s Regatta, we all deserve a refreshing frozen treat!
We travel in luxury… privately chartered water-taxi’s take us to the Toronto Islands.
True North Leviathan Gold looking sharp at the Toronto International Dragon Boat Race Festival
True North Leviathan Black on its way back to the dock at the Toronto International Dragon Boat Race Festival
Coach Chris provides his early morning briefing before the first races of the day at the Toronto Islands
Ditto with Coach Marissa with her Leviathan Red athletes!
Division E Gold Medallists at the Toronto International Dragon Boat Race Festival - True North Leviathan Red
Division C Bronze Medallists at the Toronto International Dragon Boat Race Festival - True North Leviathan Gold
Division B Gold Medallists at the Toronto International Dragon Boat Race Festival - True North Leviathan Black
Game face on! Leviathan Black coming paddling back after finishing a race at the Toronto Islands
The True North Paddling Club: represented here by Leviathan Red, Leviathan Gold, Leviathan Black, Senior Women, Premier Women, Hammerheads, and SLP Premier Open at the Toronto Islandsw. Photo Credit: Anne Zeng Media
Leviathan Gold & Black at the GWN Sport Regatta in Toronto.
Leviathan Black celebrates after achieving the coveted A Division Gold in Sport Division; winning the regatta in totality (GWN Sport Regatta, Toronto).
DragonDude needs to be strapped in for safety… GWN Sport Regatta Champions!
Happy faces as our Leviathan Red crew returns to the dock in Guelph!
Strategy is everything. Coach Marissa briefs the crew as we prepare to enter our next heat at the Guelph Dragon Boat Festival.
Leviathan Red proudly showing off their medals at the main stage after winning the knock-out festival in Guelph.
Can’t help but show off the Gold medal from the Guelph Dragon Boat Festival after our Leviathan Red crew wins the 200m knock-out races.
We’re all smiles at the 2022 Tim Horton’s GWN Dragon Boat Challenge (Toronto, ON).
True Strong… True North PROUD. Leviathan Red prepares to race the Pride Cup at the Tim Horton’s GWN Dragon Boat Challenge (Toronto, ON).
Something tells me they won…!
Leviathan Gold prepares to head to the race course. They would end up winning the gold medal in the mixed A Division Consolation.
Leviathan Black prepares to head to the race course at the GWN Dragon Boat Challenge. They would end up winning the bronze medal in the A Division Championships (the first in our crew’s history).
Leviathan Black - absolute focus as we warm-up to the start line (GWN Dragon Boat Challenge, Toronto, ON).
Showcasing our swag as we await for our next race…
It’s a wrap for another season. True North proves that it thrive after coming out of the pandemic… True North crews represented here at the GWN Dragon Boat Challenge: True North Leviathan Red, Gold, and Black, True North Senior Women, True North Hammerheads, and True North Premier Women.
Posing Humber River bridge.
Enjoying one last paddle to close off the 2021 season. See you back on Dragon Boats next year!
Jumping for joy as the food arrives post-regatta!
Celebrating after our first-ever OC regatta with our Leviathan Red athletes.
Couldn’t have asked for a better day to host an OC race!
The sun might be setting, but we’re optimistic that the investment we’ve made this year will translate in droves when we return to dragon boats next year. Stronger Together.
Enjoying every minute of being on the water.
Our True North Leviathan Red athletes embarking on their first foray into outrigger canoe training… and they’re loving it!
Nothing beats being back outdoors and training again in small, safe, and physically distanced groups (July 2021).
True North Leviathan Gold & Black is back on the water and exercising utmost safety as we slowly recover for the pandemic (July 2021).
Here we are in October 2020 before the second lockdown… the start of a new season in some clearly unusual times.
The start of our 2020 season at CardioGo (November 2019)
The start of our 2020 season at CardioGo (November 2019)
Fitness Test 1 at Afterburn Fitness (December 2019)
Fitness Test 1 at Afterburn Fitness (December 2019)
Pool paddling is an important component of all our teams as we gain the knowledge skill to execute the perfect stroke
Even during COVID-19, our crew is still getting opportunities to paddle in an outrigger canoe!
Even during COVID-19, our crew is still getting opportunities to paddle in an outrigger canoe!
Even during COVID-19, our crew is still getting opportunities to paddle in an outrigger canoe!
The epitome of social distancing! Our Leviathan Red crew takes to the water in OC1s.
The epitome of social distancing! Our Leviathan Red crew takes to the water in OC1s.
Proudly representing Team Leviathan at the 2019 GWN Dragon Boat Challenge.
Attempting to spell… Leviathan athletes meet McGill alumni!
Three teams, one family. True North Leviathan Black, Gold, and Red at the 2019 GWN Dragon Boat Challenge.
Athletes from Leviathan proudly represent the True North club in gendered racing at the 2019 Canadian Dragon Boat Championships in Regina, SK.
True North Leviathan Black wins the coveted Dragon cake for being the fastest team in our preliminary heat at the 2019 Woodstock Rotary Dragon Boat Festival.
Coach Chris briefs True North Leviathan Purple before our lovely ladies head into their preliminary heats at the 2019 GWN Dragon Boat Challenge.
True North Leviathan Black & Red at the 2019 Woodstock Rotary Dragon Boat Festival with Team Black achieving a silver in the 500m final (02:01.49) and a Gold in the 2,000m final. Leviathan Red also achieving a first in competing in the A division consolation division.
Ready to go! Leviathan Black prepares to push off for our finals at the 2019 GWN Sport Regatta (Photo Credit: Max Zhao)
Also ready to go! Leviathan Red pulls off the dock for their finals at the 2019 GWN Sport Regatta (Photo Credit: Max Zhao)
True North Leviathan Black & Red are triumphant at the 2019 GWN Toronto International Dragon Boat Race Festival… Black receives a Bronze in B Division with a 02:04.46, and Red receives a Gold in G Division with a 02:16.67!
True North Leviathan Red celebrates their G Division win at the 2019 GWN Toronto International Dragon Boat Race Festival!
Don’t forget to share the love!
Listening attentively to Coach Chris as we prepare for the first heats of the season in Milton.
True North Leviathan Purple debuts at the 2019 Toronto Women’s Regatta, placing the coveted A division.
Making sure we warm-up! True North Leviathan Purple preparing to race at the 2019 Toronto Women’s Regatta.
Our first regatta of the season… the Milton Dragon Boat Festival.
Enjoying the wall-sits way too much… 2019 season Winter Training Program
Coach Chris give us a briefing prior to the start of our workout. What a big crew!
Shattering team records by winning gold at the 2018 GWN Dragon Boat Challenge A Division Consolation Final.
Winning second overall in the Woodstock Rotary Club Dragon Boat Festival as silver medalists in the “Platinum” (A) Division.
The 2018 Ship Storm: Leviathan Executive.
Silver and Bronze medalists @ GWN Sport - Ship Storm: Leviathan and Pennsylvania Dragon Boat Club, respectively
The lovely ladies of Team Leviathan
Silver Medalists in the Sport Mixed division at the 2018 GWN Sport Regatta. Achieving personal bests and shattering records all-round!
Team Leviathan at the Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival, strong contenders in the coveted A Division
Team Leviathan after winning the Milton B Division
The first regatta of the 2018 season! Milton DB Festival - May 26th
Continuing to refine our stroke...
Coach Chris giving our post-workout debrief...
Stretching it out!
Eating it up after a full weekend of racing at GWN Challenge.
The 2017 Ship Storm DBC Executive.
Showing off some hardware.
Showing off some muscle right before we embark on next race at the GWN Dragon Boat Challenge.
Ship Storm DBC, class of 2017 at the annual GWN Dragon Boat Challenge (September 9-10, 2017)
Back to practice! Beautiful June evening at the Outer Harbour Dragon Boat Club.
Special thanks to Fleet of Foote and the Herricane Winds for their kind hospitality in hosting us at the Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival!
The Vintage Queers of Ottawa celebrates with Ship Storm after our win in the Pride Challenge Cup.
First medal of the season! Gold in the Mixed B Division 2,000m race!
First regatta of the 2017 season: the 15th Annual Milton Dragon Boat Race Festival
Refining our technique in the pool...
Tug-of-War... which side is stronger?
Tug-of-War... which side is stronger?
Back for 2017! Winter training in full-force at Afterburn Fitness
2016 Season
Division C Grand Silver (500m) - GWN Challenge
"Take it away..." - GWN Challenge
Division C Grand Gold (200m) - GWN Challenge
Community B - Bronze, TIDBRF
Back for 2016. Our first practice of the season!
Paddles Up... into the sunset!
2015 Season
Posing on stage
Ready Ready!
Group Shot in Chicago
Winter Practice at Mississauga Canoe Club
Sunset Paddling
Leaving the dock with smiles
Division B Sport Mixed Silver - GWN St. Catherines